
Building up the Female Biker Community

Last night I was browsing on Insta- like I frequently do.. and I came across a post on the Harley Davidson insta feed that has the #HwyRunaways pictured- This is a group of female riders that in short- get to ride around, take photos and rave about how much riding has engaged their lives- from getting to meet others like them, to going to biker family events, to seeing the country on two wheels- you may have seen their article in HOG magazine... anyway- its a rad photo of them hangin with a bike in some sand- all in bikinis or crop tops, one girl in a Harley eagle bodysuit and over the knee boots.  I would die to catch some wind with these rad women. Here they are #HwyRunaways  In my opinion they look HOT AF, and on a day that steamy, why wouldn't you strip down out of your gear to cool off and chill out?  PERSONALLY I could rock a crop top and shorts- no problem, Id be a bit hesitant of the body suit, but I also don't have that womens smoking legs! Enter the haters: Co

Memories of Summers past...

If you've ever met me, you've probably met my Sportster, Helena.  I love her. She has been my battle horse for well over 30,000 miles, three paint jobs, two wrecks, 5 (or so) boyfriends, and 8 seasons- my beautiful, my one and only.  I will never get rid of or sell this bike. And looking at her this week as I plugged in her Battery Tender for the last nice days of the season, made me remember the first trip I took on her... Waaayyyyy back in june of 2008..... *doodly doot doodly doot doodly doot* (youll get it if you like Wayne's world) Take me back to June, 2008- my guy at the time, who also rode a bad assery Sporty, was a member of a few online forums, that he partook in while he was a door man at the bar where I worked.. SO MANY rad ass dudes and gals with CHOPPED and SCRAPED together sporties- garage built american muscle made iron heads and evos- all with carburetors, mind you this was 2008- the 2007 sporty (mine) was the FIRST YEAR for fuel injection- I barely had ti

Carbs - the good, the bad the ugly (not a food blog)

Every Year- it gets harder for me to accept Winter.  It takes away my fun- it takes away my riding, it takes away my sun and my moto fams.. It is just a deep dark hole of a cold pit with snow and wind howling around your ears.  YUCK.  The snow isn't really the WORST part- its the bone chilling below zero winds that make me want to curl up in bed with my flannel jammie bottoms and drink hot chocolate while watching Netfix marathon after marathon.... I have contemplated moving many times- away from the Midwest- somewhere southern, somewhere that 30* is a joke and happens very seldom.  I've been to the south east on a few occasions.. I liked it.  I could see myself riding those Tennessee mountain roads well into 'winter' and starting up again as early as March- the lazy attitude and just pulling over to take a nap on the side of the road- I mean.. I COULD DO THAT.  Carry a hammock at all times JUST INCASE a cool chill spot pops up to camp in.. it's a dream. But in the

Fall Rides to see leaves are cool - if you can see the leaves!

Last summer, I met a young lady who rode a fuel injected Sportster. She loved the bike, and got so enthralled with the riding culture, she needed something a bit bigger and more comfortable for the many miles she started to put on.  She came in to see us at the shop with her brother- a long time parts customer who eventually became my SWAP meet buddy.   Their entire family rides- Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister.. every week on Thursday they go get ice cream at the local Dairy Queen and catch up with each other.. it sounds like a fucking episode of Leave it to Beaver- but they didn't start out as a riding family.  The riding brought them together, and helped some of them through tough times in life- Alcohol addiction, drugs, adolescence... you name it. So in reality, it is the essence of why we all ride.  To find your tribe, and get away from the shit that brings you down. One summer day this beautiful lady comes in and is looking for an upgrade in motor size. (Because we all know you c

The new project- 1976 Ironhead XLCH1000

  So- this is my first blog- are you supposed to say that when it's your first? Or just let everyone assume you are a seasoned vet? Blogs seem as old as Harley Davidson itself- I'm probably the ONLY 20 something gal out there who hasn't attempted one.. As I'm contemplating this, I'm figuring it doesn't matter, you're going to keep reading, or not...Either way, let me introduce myself: I'm Amy Sue, I love motorcycles and the motorcycle community.  I go above and beyond my regular duties as a moto sales gal here in the great state of Illinois selling bikes, meeting fellow riders and enthusiasts, like Frank Fritz: promoting the best and most world recognized brand in the world by encouraging female riders to get on bikes! And YES you can work on them too! PLUS you do NOT have to look like a rough n trashy biker! (Agreed guys look better trashy nasty and rough, but ladies.. no.)  LOOK AT ME! YOU CAN DO IT!!!  I frequently drool over builds on Instagra