Carbs - the good, the bad the ugly (not a food blog)

Every Year- it gets harder for me to accept Winter.  It takes away my fun- it takes away my riding, it takes away my sun and my moto fams.. It is just a deep dark hole of a cold pit with snow and wind howling around your ears.  YUCK.  The snow isn't really the WORST part- its the bone chilling below zero winds that make me want to curl up in bed with my flannel jammie bottoms and drink hot chocolate while watching Netfix marathon after marathon.... I have contemplated moving many times- away from the Midwest- somewhere southern, somewhere that 30* is a joke and happens very seldom.  I've been to the south east on a few occasions.. I liked it.  I could see myself riding those Tennessee mountain roads well into 'winter' and starting up again as early as March- the lazy attitude and just pulling over to take a nap on the side of the road- I mean.. I COULD DO THAT.  Carry a hammock at all times JUST INCASE a cool chill spot pops up to camp in.. it's a dream. But in the meantime, I'm here, in the clutches of yet another Midwest Winter Season... so bring on the indoor hobbies.
This can be a super depressing time of year, that is UNLESS I have projects to keep me busy and my mind on my next season of riding and having fun- My XLCH is perfect- but I wont be able to work on it every day, when the paint is drying, when the parts aren't in, etc etc.. I do have other hobbies.. I tried Cross stitch last year.. CROSS STITCH ..  I have a few jewelry projects to do.. those are exciting. My Etsy Shop will be working out hard, once again bringing some flair to all of the beautiful ladies across the world- I've even been collecting some vintage goodness in the form of T shirts and clothes to re purpose and sell!! I'll get to that one of these days.. but for now little by little this petite gal is coming apart. or wait.. together??

I had the good fortune of coming across a very well kept and low mile Iron Head to begin with- and not having to do a lot but maintenance to it is starting to feel better than a complete tear down and rebuild..  this one didn't have the mouse nests, or the thick barn 'dust'... yeah -you know.
I need tires, chain, shock mounts, and the missing motor mount bracket- Those things will get her on the road NO PROBLEM.  What I WANT to do, includes paint ( I already have my theme picked out), gauges, already got the grips and the mirror (so I can check my face proper), sissy bar, points cover, new chrome pushrod keepers, seat... the list is endless.. but to get her FUNCTIONING and running , and bullet proof for my ride to California next summer.. Gotta have the S&S Super E put on.  The model of carb on her when she came to me wasn't the best- it stuck out a bit farther than the E will, I hated the Choke cable going across between the heads, it didn't line up right anyway, and eliminating it also gets me a cleaner ignition switch. Plus parts are getting harder and harder to find for the older carbs, the float was stuck which makes it leak if I don't get the petcock off ALL THE WAY....  I'm not looking for hard, I like it easy!
The S & S beaut came direct from @motorcyclescience shop on Ebay- said it was in a box of parts he received, never cared to see if it was a runner or not.. its beautiful on the inside, a bit of oxidation and a bit of rotten rubber seals.. so YEAH a REBUILD!!!
Step one- I like it easy.. lets soak her overnight.

I realize this was an unnecessary purchase but I wanted it. 
Taking it apart was fun- found out I will need the correct jets, and the rebuild kit. No real problems or missing parts- except one check valve ball bearing. EASY. Used a tiny screwdriver, but then found out my fingernails worked better for some of the little O rings- sometimes nails are great- but then I cant figure out why a manicure never stays nice on me... Wearing the blue shop gloves of choice helped a bit in the parts sink- No need to get chemicals involved with your skin.. its just going to dry out your cuticles!! 
Now, this is NOT a HOW TO Blog... this is a me being me and having fun kind of thing.. if you need instructions, AND TIPS I found THIS: BLOG to be uber helpful!!! And yes I used some of the tips- the bent coat hanger for the springs ** Genius.
I got the rebuild kit, and set to work- Now ladies, if there are any ladies out there reading this, and to the gentlemen who know I apologize for the GRRL SLANG (aka layman terms) on the parts- YOU CAN DO THIS. It was SOOOO easy- and WAY more intimidating than anything- the blown up diagram looks like a fucking jumble of nonsense, until you know what you are looking at.  I laid all of the pieces out in the way I could see them and the diagram, ok, one little needle, one accordian thing, a few balls, a shaft or two.. I wonder where this little O ring goes... and set to work.  Piece by piece, she came together, this screw here, that spring there, oh wait shit, I forgot the check ball, reopen the pump... get that diaphragm back in theeerrreeee.... float needle....float needle... you little shit....alright, float needle..WHY did I put the butterfly assembly on before the bellow on the pump shaft?! OMG!! Take the butterfly assembly off again, don't lose the nuts....and the little nasty accordion is on, nice...reassemble and get the tension springs in....aannndddd BOOM done. Not too shabby!
A broken nail and some dirty fingers- maybe a few too many PBRs... but overall a great learning experience and a dutiful lesson in patience!
I will find out how well my handiwork holds up in a few month, I will for sure be writing about the day I get to start her and take her for the first ride of Spring- these are the thoughts that keep me going- but I am confident shes perfect.

All in all- a great success.. AND I didn't have to go out in the sleet and rain in 37 degrees today! The more I work on, the more I can do myself, the closer I get to calling this baby MINE.. not just I paid for it, I WORKED ON IT.. I made her who she is- and there is no greater pride, than the pride you have in your own creations.  
Next step- another SWAP! Coming up in a few weeks... lets hope I can get my hands on a cheap manifold so I can INSTALL this carb- and maybe.. juuusstttt MAYBE I can find a few-matching- sissy bar mounts! 
cold weather gear- yeah I got that.


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