The new project- 1976 Ironhead XLCH1000

  So- this is my first blog- are you supposed to say that when it's your first? Or just let everyone assume you are a seasoned vet? Blogs seem as old as Harley Davidson itself- I'm probably the ONLY 20 something gal out there who hasn't attempted one.. As I'm contemplating this, I'm figuring it doesn't matter, you're going to keep reading, or not...Either way, let me introduce myself:
I'm Amy Sue, I love motorcycles and the motorcycle community.  I go above and beyond my regular duties as a moto sales gal here in the great state of Illinois selling bikes, meeting fellow riders and enthusiasts, like Frank Fritz:

promoting the best and most world recognized brand in the world by encouraging female riders to get on bikes! And YES you can work on them too! PLUS you do NOT have to look like a rough n trashy biker! (Agreed guys look better trashy nasty and rough, but ladies.. no.)  LOOK AT ME! YOU CAN DO IT!!!  I frequently drool over builds on Instagram, @amysuesporty ,where I also shamelessly post photos of my bikes and my hair, and my helmets, work shenanigans and so on..... (follow me )....
I have written a few articles for a few local and free motorcycle zines promoting women riders and encouraging them to get past the 'fear' and to come in and see what it's all about- WE CAN HAVE FUN AND BE BEAUTIFUL AND INDEPENDENT AND RIDE- all at the same time! Can you dig it!?

  I have just gathered enough time off to actually ATTEND female (and otherwise) rides, campouts, shows and moto events.  I know you're out there! eg. #bornfree #tarballrun #babesrideout #bro BABES RIDE OUT
I want to be there, like so bad I almost just packed up and left this week- its sparked my idea to pine via a blog- so here ya go I WANT TO BE THERE SO BAD I CAN TASTE IT!!! But this little lady HAS to work , and without work, I have no money for hobbies like rides or my bikes, so ... this year I must choose the boring part of life over the adventure, but mark my words, NEXT YEAR.  Ill be there, and hopefully with a few more gals!! I can't wait to meet some of the faces that frequent the Instagram page and others I cyber stalk.. hehehe... ( @harleybabe4life, @y0urspiritanimal @harleys_and_hair
I've been riding for over ten years, I have had my trusty and well mannered EVO Nightster for nine of those ten seasons, and added a Slim last year, and the Ironhead of my dreams to the garage this month- NO REGRETS!!
So on to this Ironhead... I figured out how to SWAP.. ok, this is a thing.  My good buddy Steve, he's flip phone so he doesn't have a Facebook or Instagram, one of the solids I've met at my Dealership- took me to a SWAP meet.  Now, I've been to a million of these, I've looked at things, picked through bins, I'm no stranger to the Lion's Club tenderloins and guys scootin by on milk crate laden doodlebugs- BUT he taught me a LOT in one SWAP-
Number one ladies- NEVER pass up on- I SAID NEVER pass up on digging through a crate.  You can glance, and if you don't see the bottom, pick up whatever is in your way and look- yeah your hands are going to get DIRTY.. sometimes down right garage time- motor pull out - DIRTY. Depending on what kind of meet you're at.. but don't worry.. just be prepared. Bring a rag/bandana for your pocket- some wipes, whatever.. its easy and if you don't grab stuff, you might miss out- I ALMOST MISSED the top to my battery box.  It was on a tarp.. in a pile of 'junk' that looked like scrap.  I dug- I saw the shape, I knew what was on my list, and when I picked it up- CHROME GOLD. perfect.  I saw the lady looking at me, so I laid her down.. aside.. no Im not too interested... but I was giddy as hell- so lesson learned, DIG... now lesson number two- POKER FACE.. this also is a give in in any bartering situation, but get me ladies.. it's serious business. If you find the holy grail of a battery box top and start hooting and hollering that you FINALLY FOUND THE ONE!! shes gonna cost you MORE than a buck.  I laid the thing down, took a lap... where I also dug and dug and found some bits and pieces, INCLUDING two right side brackets for my sissy bar- NO LEFTS ANYWHERE ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?- anyway,... when I got back to tarp pile garbage hut, I saw her.. laying EXACTLY where I left her, upside down to detract the chrome from flashing someone else's eye- and I picked it up- "HUH! hey lady- whats this worth to ya?"  - a dollar, she says.  I say- DEAL. Now don't get me wrong, its not like I scored the deal of a century, but that thing is like ten bucks on ebay!! PLUS SHIPPING.. I saved myself $10!! and every penny counts when your reconstructing a potential money pit- you have to keep it easy and 'free'.. it's my life's motto- actually. for everything.
  Now I know from past experiences, talking to the old timers is a well of knowledge.  Steve was privy to a few of their inventories and asked a few guys for XLCH parts, whos got em? Found out a supplier to the local swaps passed away and there's a HUGE warehouse they are organizing to sell.. YOU DONT SAY?? Well then.. I get his card and number- call me in two weeks. YES SIR.
As far as I was concerned I OWNED that SWAP. I did a great deal , met some great people, and yes, had a Lions Club hamburger!!! BONUS!  And the XLCH now has a complete battery box, and I found these sweet goggles!

*@bornabadseed shirt!*


Unknown said…
Nice job
And the goggles kick azz

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