Hot Girl Summer; Trash Baby Edition

Before I moved to Indiana, I was fairly certain of one thing: That I was going to find my tribe, my girl gang, my babes... and we were going to ride together and have adventures and this was going to be the bulk of my experience in the Central US, until I can move west.
One of my gifted friends in Illinois that reads Tarot cards gave me a reading before I left, in which I was to have all of these things: the three of cups (female and fulfilling), the SUN (female and end game happiness), giving and taking, earning a place in a tribe.. and the reading has just stuck with me.  I haven't been able to get it out of my head, the way it was predominantly a FEMALE energy bringing me to this place.. even though I uprooted my life for a man.  
At first it seemed hopeless, my first and only female companion, who reminded me so much of myself, and had so much potential in life, and our friendship, died a month after I moved here in a freak motorcycle accident.  I had lost hope, I had given up and given in to a heartless and fragile mans ego, letting my life go, my goals falter, and started obsessing over HIS gain to make my life better. 

We all know how this ends.
So I go back, to my safe place:
On my own, I flourish.  I have never been a happier human being than when I am in my own good graces and in the world.  To this day I can't find a single person who can lighten or improve me, better than myself.  Get exactly what I want: that's me.  Do what I want, me again.. I just can't have it all unless I'm alone, and that's perfect. I am never lonely, I am too busy with hobbies and riding.  I can't think about companionship when I am my favorite companion. 
But as it happens, like magnets, they came to me.  In tragedy, we hugged and cried, in turmoil they housed and fed me, we shared stories and healed together.  We laughed and learned, I met new people. I was introduced to new groups.  New experiences that fit my aesthetic much better than a couch. 
I've started to learn that other Alpha females are the same.  So when we hang, the one or 2 times a month- when we need the drink, the decompression, the endorphin rush of being surrounded by another beautiful, kind, loving human being- who you know cares bout you, and NOT what you have under your clothes- is all I need to know.

If finding someone to understand you is almost impossible, finding someone who understands you and can have a good time, share interests and roll with the punches is mythical.  I have found my tribe, my mythical creatures and I call them my sisters, my Trash Babies.  We have ridden and will ride all of the adventures.. and it is now, the bulk of my existence, and I couldn't be happier.  There are troubles in our lives, bad people, experiences that are bringing us closer together, times we can support and be supported, it is better than any mans' situationship I could ever ask for.  Not including my male homies, of course- Forever in my heart are my guy friends who are the same soul as me and have been my babes for upwards of 20 years, and these true friends are why I am so picky about my life partners, companions and friends.  I've been spoiled. 

I knew I had found someone special when last year I blasted to Sturgis with Courtney, my fearless Trash Baby Leader, on her brand new Heritage.  She took the 800+ miles on our first day like a champ, and we took in all the sights, sounds, ditches and salads in South Dakota. We bonded over the love of the event, the love of partying, and the love of having older men wrapped around our fingers.  We ARE trash babies, after all.. And now, roommates.  Another thing I never thought would be possible, was living with another female, again.  I tried it in college, and it ended very badly. This time, we are so in sync.  Our new place is amazing. Garage, parking, chicken coop, and it is separated with 2 BR upstairs, and 2 downstairs, so it is almost like having a duplex with a shared kitchen.. After having to move in such a haste, to protect ourselves from a stalking, threatening, and crazy Ex husband, we found this house sitting on the market (literally the ONLY ONE) with no other interest. It was a sign, and it was meant to be.  The location, the space, the everything is just PERFECT. amazing how life manifests what you wish for, what you want- and with us, it seems to have double strength.  Our femme witch powers are nothing to mess with.

Tater tot, my lovely beautiful mechanic and technician came to me most randomly.  I still don't remember how we met.. it may have been a She Wolf thing.. but it's like she was just there one day, and we were friends forever.  She has been introducing me to a whole new and better life living in this city.  Nightlife, people, places... she's my underbelly expert.  We recently took a ride together where we were forced to have a new bonding experience, Almost running her over with my bike, and crashing.  Both of us went down in the rain, slow speed, no one was injured, and the bikes took minimal damage... but could you imagine, trying to stop a skid, in an inch of standing water, when your rear tire is headed straight for your best friends' noggin? Yeah, no.  Correcting wasn't happening, since my rear wheel corrected, and kept going, slipped out to the left and Boom, I high sided and went down on the top of my front end.  The windshield and brake reservoir took the majority of the hit, and dented the tank.  Taylor's shifter lever was struck and broke the splines from the internal shifter.. and her tires being so bald, was determined to be the issue.. so we are waiting on those before we go back out riding.  Our next adventure will be a short camping trip to get ready for, a further one, and further until we are ready for our cross country trip next year. 

I love my babes. I love my life. I love my new adventures with freedom behind me, and I will never ever let anyone take that away from me again.  I have creative freedom, all about me, and now I can focus on cultivating and growing my new relationships and mending the old ones I was unfortunately neglecting when my life was overtaken with a hateful man. 
I have created some new T shirt designs for the Trash Babies, and as soon as I can get them to the screen printer, I will have T-shirts with Trash Baby images and animals.. Its a new culture for us.

 Embrace the trash.. embrace the inner woman who can do whatever she wants, and gives a shit about what other people call her or think of her.  Be a slut, do what you want.  Eat the trash.  Don't let anyone tell you not to do something you want to do. Dance in the front yard.  Do not let anyone stop you from realizing your dreams, whatever they are. GO FOR IT FULL THROTTLE {TRASH} BABY!

No one knows what is true, except you. Keep your truth, let them think, speculate, accuse.  Who the fuck cares?  Be a Trash Baby (Raccoon, opossum, pigeon, rat, pick one, we are all welcome here) and join us.

Check here for updates and new designs for sale:

Keep on keepin' on, you beautiful Trash Baby. 


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