Hot Girl Summer; Trash Baby Edition

Before I moved to Indiana, I was fairly certain of one thing: That I was going to find my tribe, my girl gang, my babes... and we were going to ride together and have adventures and this was going to be the bulk of my experience in the Central US, until I can move west. One of my gifted friends in Illinois that reads Tarot cards gave me a reading before I left, in which I was to have all of these things: the three of cups (female and fulfilling), the SUN (female and end game happiness), giving and taking, earning a place in a tribe.. and the reading has just stuck with me. I haven't been able to get it out of my head, the way it was predominantly a FEMALE energy bringing me to this place.. even though I uprooted my life for a man. At first it seemed hopeless, my first and only female companion, who reminded me so much of myself, and had so much potential in life, and our friendship, died a month after I moved here in a freak motorcycle accident. I had lost hope, ...