RIDE THE BIKES.. don't read this blog with a dirty mind. 🧠

Every Spring, here in the Midwest, we are all looking forward to the first ride.  The first time the sun pokes its sleepy head from the sky, warming the fields and roads, melting the blanket of snow that froze your desires and freedom all winter long.. engulfing your face and body with a warmth you only know.. if you KNOW. Chasing that feeling of flying down the road with a combustible engine vibrating between your thighs.  The thrill of the first REAL curve, and how your muscle memory kicks in, leaning you all the way over just to get that side tread grip on the salt stained asphalt. Soon the adrenaline and the feelings of being  A L I V E  flood your body; as your cheeks flush in the cool spring breeze, and your lungs expand as big as balloons, stinging cold with every breath.. you can feel the buzz right down to your toes, as if you could float away.  This year was a little different, but worked just the same.  I was gifted an opportunity to take a bike out that doesn't belong to me, but offered to me as a tribute.  A vessel to get that rush, reexplore myself, the ride, and to truly see what the world has to offer.  It took a lot of trust on both parts, understandably, discussing consent and boundaries, what each of us were comfortable with; just like the thrill of a new lover learning how to move in sync with your body- where to touch and how to feel and react to your every movement- leaning in and rolling the throttle farther, FASTER until we are both percolating pure exaltation..  in no time flat we realized this was meant to be.   We had proven our skills and trust, and we had an arrangement.  Temporary as it may be, or as long as needed.  These thrills are always a new version of old feelings, on a scale of  'been there' to 'done that', but this time it was too perfect, incredibly serendipitous and natural, showing me that I can have more, I DESERVE MORE, and it's within these heart racing moments that I find what I live for, what I have always lived for: the thrill of the perfect ride.

  Why did I have to find an alternate joy ride?  To put it plainly: my personal motorcycles are hostages. At first I was edgy about it, how am I going to stay SANE through all of this outside torment and personal growth?  And then it literally fell in my lap like a plate of overcooked spaghetti through a cheap paper plate: there are more, there are others, there is an entire WORLD of bikes to explore, get to know, and even love.  After years of  riding all makes, models, and sizes.. if I've learned anything, it's that I can quite seriously hop on any motorcycle and take it for a cruise, and make it give me that good good.  A motorcycle is a motorcycle: brake, throttle, shift and clutch- and despite popular belief, you can ride a different one, or any one, and feel that same feeling (although getting your long term personal bike to fit you like a glove is a real thing that can not be duplicated) Sometimes they aren't set up right for you, or they might have a few strange ticks that you don't like, but if you put your skill set to work, the ride can be just as fun and freeing, ESPECIALLY if you know it's just a borrowed ride.  No commitments to take that bike in. No obligation to spend money or time fixing its flaws (unless you cause them of course).  It serves its purpose.  And that's the beauty of it. 

If you find yourself in a position of change this season, The Age of Aquarius, as the world turns and pukes acid into your daily dose of feel good juice.  The days just seem longer and more cruel without an escape.  Try a few test rides.  Go out, find a strong, hardworking, cute looking bike, and ride it for a day.  a week.. you may find that this new ride is leaps and bounds better, or even just more stable than your previous ride.  Maybe it offers you more perks, has a better paint job, or less scratches and dents.  It treats you better and never breaks down, or is able to take you places you never even thought of going.  It doesn't mean you have to buy it.. but enjoy it for what it is in that moment.  It's all about the ride.  The feelings you get from it, and how it positively serves your life. 

One day I will have consistency back, the same familiar thrill every time I twist my own throttle, and my babies will be safe with me.  I understand everything must come to an end, and the wheel of fate just keeps turning.. one day you are on top, the next, you can't be.. but right now I am forever grateful to have the right people in my life.  The right tools to make it through this chapter and I've already started writing the next.  The lack of Social Media has been AMAZING, and probably the best thing ever.  As I mentioned in my last ever Insta post, Socials are poison.  They feed lies to the people who see it on the other end, and they are used as a tool for weak minded people to convey simple and false messages to mold their image in the eyes of others.  In other words: as fake as every orgasm I had ever had in my marriage..  Please follow along with me, SHARE THIS BLOG with the link. Someone in your life needs to read this message. And the many more to follow.  I am on my own journey now. Serving my own ego now.  I will continue to grow, change and flourish as before- and now that I've found what I've been missing, there is NO stopping me.  Get out and hug someone today.  Like, a really good one. <3


Anonymous said…
Wait a minute.... Said person is holding your bikes hostage? I thought said person said if you wanted out just take all your stuff and leave? Do the quick easy divorce but you threatened to take half of his home and force him to sell it and give you half of it? Now your things are stuck at the house til the divorce is final. Then start telling people said person gave you a std? Life's weird.
Unknown said…
Amy sri to hear allthe crap.You still sold me a nice softtail..Enjoy life girl
Amy Sue Sporty said…
"Wait a minute.... Said person is holding your bikes hostage? I thought said person said if you wanted out just take all your stuff and leave? Do the quick easy divorce but you threatened to take half of his home and force him to sell it and give you half of it? Now your things are stuck at the house til the divorce is final. Then start telling people said person gave you a std? Life's weird."
I feel like I can answer this now. If I threatened to take half the home, I would've gotten it. I wanted out. I left everything I owned behind and even tried to leave the bikes to GET AWAY from "him" . I made up the STD so fat ass Courtney would admit she fucked him in Daytona in front of me, which she did. I hope your mother cries herself to sleep every night asking God why she gave birth to such a wretch.

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