Pack your bike Right! Long distance, solo ride, motorcycle trip planning- My personal hacks tips and tricks

Straight away: What is your Distance- how you pack for each trip and if you stay in a hotel or not:
Obviously if you are going to stay in a hotel, this blog entry isn't for you.  There is no need to pack as many items, or to plan a route as carefully.. just watch your signs, find your hotel, and kick back momma!

I usually travel on the CHEAP... This blog is for someone who is trying to save the money, or find the freedom or nature that comes with sleeping under the stars- with the occasional hack of staying in a hotel or crashing one with a hot tub to relax those muscles!
This is meant as a guide to help with packing to camp, at stops, along the side the road, maybe in a parking lot (yes I have a way that isn't too creepy!). And I always, ALWAYS carry a pistol, never had to use it, just have it.
 If you are only going to be camping one night, or two; you probably don't need food cooking gear, or 3 different ways to set up a sleeping camp... adjust accordingly.
The average person has done this a time or two or three.. I have traveled across our fair country twice on my bike, camping along the way, I recreation camp on my bike for short trips too- I've definitely done this enough times to know when I fucked up and forgot something important.  Each time I camp I complain about what I forget.. because I always forget SOMETHING.  So I asked my fiance- 'babe, what did I complain about forgetting the last time we went camping?'
He is an amazing man with a poignant memory as soon as I ask him to recall my complaints... bug spray, sunscreen, chap stick..... but when I say 'Hey babe, I need to make a list of things to take on the trip to New Mexico. Do you want to help me come up with a list of things to post a blog about, to bring camping?'  he mentioned things like. lube.  and the morning after pill... handcuffs and of course bug spray.... again. Thanks babe.*I'm rolling my eyes so hard*
Anyway, here is a short list, with little frills of things I can't camp without.. along with a few tips and tricks for traveling and camping on the road for a few days!
I randomly just compiled ideas and tips..  and of course, this isn't for everyone, just from my experience and my future husbands recollection of my complaints every time we camp a weekend away...

Maps and stops for gas :
Before every trip, I plan my route on a map.  Although I'm not that worried about WHEN i get to my destination, i know my body, how long I can ride, when I need gas, and when it gets dark, I like to stop to rest, recharge and relax...
Rest and relax are two separate things on a bike trip- to rest is to lay your head down, maybe get those hot 3 hours of sleep..and relax is to free your mind...  and I realize recharge starts with R, ... so its the three Rs.. and its really the most important backbone to the trip... and planning with a map adds to the relax portion.  You can see how far a 120 mile tank will take you, for example, and plan accordingly.. every 100 miles, look for a gas stop... unless you carry a gas can.  That is optional.  Google maps is great to plan and on the road, if you have a signal and can determine the road conditions it wants you to take.

*pro tip on google maps sending you shitty ways*
So- EVEN THOUGH Google maps is an amazing way to track, and navigate your way across our great country, it is not perfect. It is NOT perfect, and for the last time, it will send you in terrible directions, with bad roads, and SOMETIMES it will even take you in the back way of Custer state park (who knew there was a back way?!)  Or around a FLOODED lake camping spot.. it isn't perfect, don't trust it, have a plan B, NOT the morning after pill.. although that's spooky how accurate the fiance's predictions are so far.... But look at your route, write it down on your tank, or on your phone, screenshot it so you can reference it.. always have a plan B.

Free campsite hack:  and safe ways to camp
Speaking of having options to camp-  IF you find yourself with a bad plan, a bad road, a flooded campground, a bad town, an uncomfortable gas stop.  DON'T STAY.
Leave. go to the next one that feels safer, that feels more lit, more occupied, whatever the reason- trust your instincts please. AND there is a website that shows you free or pay campsite ALL over the country. it is user comments and friendly to anyone.. .. super nice little tool.
and the reviews are accurate.

advice on staying safe at stops and campsites:
If it feels safe, you're probably okay. seriously ... its an anonymous sleeping camp. Do you know what the guy or gal in the next tent over looks like? No? then he or she probably doesn't care about you either. calm down. it isn't a scary movie... just use your judgment. The worst thing you have to worry about is the condition of the toilet at the campsite.  Trust me. it is.
If a  man asks you if you need a place to stay, and you say, no I'm good.. and he says, well you can stay in my room, and you say no I'm good, I'm camping, and he says, where? you say.. ANYWHERE except the actual place you are staying.. point the opposite direction. politely say bye and leave. drive a few extra blocks if you feel safer that no one is following you... remember, it isn't stupid if it saves your life or saves you from assault.
I know I have rolled up on dark camp grounds, found a tree, hung a hammock and chanced it.
Luckily no one or thing made me a human pinata.. or whatever.. I was fine. because no one knew WHO was in that hammock! I'm just a gal with a 9mm...
At the very least- camp in a parking lot.
They have video surveillance, and most times, allow camping or campers.. this is where the camping lean-to comes in handy... you can sleep next to your bike, without a tent, or steaks, on any surface, and all you need is your belongings, inside the lean to to keep it taught, and your bike to keep it up, naturally the safest and best way to sleep with your bike.

Resting(leads to Recharge):
Take breaks. if you are tired, take a break. if your back hurts, find a hotel with a hot tub.. it is NOT an endurance race.. but it IS really fun to camp across the country on your own.  Take a nap on the side of the road under a shade tree- EXPERIENCE life as a nomad! This is what it is about, and if you skip or miss these steps, you will never fully understand the feeling of real freedom.

water: drink it every time you stop. every time.
food and food hacks- beef jerky and nuts. fresh fruit and protein:
if you wander in to a hotel lobby in the morning- and this is a great hack- use the lobby bathroom, wash up! brush your teeth! brush your hair into a ponytail, throw on a little of that mascara sample from Sephora you tossed in your tank bag and make your way into the breakfast area. *pro tip- travel size makeup samples are AMAZING for quick touch ups on the road*
Oh yeah... get you some breakfast. No one asks. its cool... bagel to go? don't mind if i do....

bathroom advice: USE THE DRYERS at truck stops and rest areas for boots, socks, gloves, anything that can get wet on the road or if you accidentally leave it outside while you sleep... Dew is sometimes WORSE than rain.. it SATURATES things... ALSO rest area bathrooms have outlets: USE THEM if you are on a long stop, and are washing up or brushing your teeth use the time to charge you phone, or portable battery if needed- sometimes it is invaluable to have a full charge when your signal is bad!
When you are camping, the bathrooms can be BAD. full of flies, just a hole in the ground, just nasty. be prepared to just 'shower' with wipes in your tent.  Or pack a bathing suit and a portable shower. if you stay at a camp grounds, they have potable water you can gather to wash with.. if not showers.

What to bring to sleep in:
 tent with pad/hammock with blanket/lean to with blanket
Plan on what you need to sleep in, or bring it all! I pack a tent, pad, blanket, hammock and lean to EVERY TRIP.  because you never know where you get to sleep!! Throw up a tent in Jacksonhole, but swing in a hammock at Sturgis... lean to at a truck stop in Kansas.. when you are so tired and can't function, the lean to, or just a blanket on the ground is SO MUCH EASIER than a tent after a 600+ mile day.
what to use as a pillow: I always pack a hoodie, and if I am wearing it, I use a rolled up shirt, or flannel.. it seems silly, but a comfy place to rest your head is important!

How and when to charge your portable devices- with restaurant/rest area bathroom hack:
If you are going to stop and eat.. seat yourself, or be seated by a plug. use it to charge your devices.
this is important if you don't have a charging port on your bike. Portable batteries go so far, and need recharged themselves, and if you are relying on your phone for directions, or music... you NEED a charge!!  No overnight charging at campsites, unless you go hunting for an outlet, and I've done that... shout out to Joshua Tree California.

showers. truck stops, camp sites and more ideas
so.. showers. you don't get them often if you are camping on the road, and as a female- I get freaked about being in a truck stop bath.. BUT baby wipes.. face wipes.. deodorant and dry shampoo. BOOM. it a wonderful world we live in. At the very least, I always pack a bar of soap, or small bottle of body wash and a Norwex Rag.  These rags are anti-microbial and are easy to clean, and clean you SO WELL without soap! But the bar comes in handy if you find a stream, or river, suit up, hop in, wash off!!

As Promised: here is the list of things I pack for my trips with little explanation:

Pack: Jacket Gloves Helmet Chaps and Extra glasses (sun and clears if that is what you wear) - no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT. you're welcome.
Tank Bag- if you have one, they are like your bike's PURSE.. incredible. keep all of your at your fingertips items, At your finger tips!! I keep my pistol, charging cables, money, chapstick or makeup items brush, hair ties, extra glasses, gloves, and bandannas all right there! Just grab it off of your bike when you walk into a store or building, and use it as a pillow when you sleep for added security!
Tent, hammock, lean to, sleep pad, blanket(s)- your choice
head lamp, portable battery, cables to phone, outlet and 12 V charger (I have a 12V car style charger port on my bike's battery posts, wired to my frame, so I can charge on the GO with this one)
bottle opener/wine screw- if ya drink
bowl/pipe/weeds/cigs/vape- if ya smoke
coffee bags (or tea bags) if you want to brew your own campfire coffee- bring a cup and a small camp burner.  You can get fuel packs or pucks and a little burner set up in the camping isle at any Target or WalMart!
silverware- an old boyscout knife/fork/spoon combo has saved my starving ass a few times with takeout Chinese... they always forget that spork
cooking supplies (frying pan, pot, you know what you need)
knife (for cutting things not food)
eye mask/ear plugs/ noise machine if you are a light sleeper and cant handle noises
bug spray- 2 kinds and some vanilla for gnats
 sunscreen ; face stick and body spray.  Each is formulated for long wear, and you don't have to use your hands (IE be slippery on your grips , gloves or not)
chap stick
lighter- for fires or stray threads
disposable razor- five days is a long time to not check your pits.
blue tooth headphones/ intercom headset
bandannas- these are invaluable for EVERYTHING
bathing suit- for swimming, sunning, showering, etc
socks- never too many pairs. Comfy dry feet = more miles
 travel toothbrush and paste
 dry shampoo
face cleansing wipes (safe for body non alcohol)
Bar of soap
Norwex Rag
toilet paper in a zip lock bag *hack to keep it from getting gross and roughed up- trust me*
Other than the clothes on your back.. this is it. This is all you need to be comfy camping on the road across our dear country.  What the road can provide, can be spared from your pack, and save you room, weight and stress.
Have a great time, and get to that last R.. Feel how renewed and refreshed you are after you shed daily life for just a week!
It is something EVERYONE should do, and I hope this little guide helps you do it sooner, simpler, and with less STRESS!!
Love you!


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