Empowerment in front of the lens ; How a professional photography session can make you feel pretty

Looking from the outside in.. misunderstanding the context.  A brief glimpse into someones life, a snapshot pausing a moment in time.  The subject and meaning of the photo is all in the eye of the person looking at it.  One photo can be looked at by many people and interpreted a million ways.
Today, we can look into anyone's life, see a snap shot of their lives and make any assumption about it we want.. and even voice our opinions publicly.  But.. we also have the ability to manipulate and pose that snapshot- into anything we want to portray.. there's a line between real and fantasy, and the skewed perspective , that has been a big controversy in the news lately, and it made me think about my personal situation.  The drastic assumptions and ideas that come from the photos that I take, or what they might convey to someone.
My fiance', and I started sharing behind the scenes videos of our photo shoots on my Patreon page: just to show how our shoots go down.
In the last 5 years, I have been lucky enough to do bike shoots with multiple people in quite a few locations.. some who have never done it before, or seen what its like have participated and seen the work, the takes, the weather, the said: its not like I thought it'd be.  But maybe I could bring a little clarity to it all.
In my opinion, and its obvious by my actions, Nudity isn't shameful..    Evoke a feeling of security, grace, the softness of sensuality, something.  The human body is a work of art, and should be regarded as so.
Being in front of the camera is empowering.. and when you see the photos- you cant help but love yourself a little more.  maybe its the voyer hiding inside of me, staring out saying.. OH WOW YOU'RE HOT!  I know for a FACT that when a woman feels good about herself, she looks good, and that makes her feel good, and so she looks good, and the spiral of love continues.  The dreadful spiral of body shame or punishment can be replaced with self nourishment and love.. and working with a photographer that knows how to capture your best side, is amazing.
Nudity empowers some, and scares others.. it can be an incredible sense of power.. or it can be something that holds you back.
The very first time I shot in the buff, I was with about 9-10 other women, all nude at the same time.
All ages, all backgrounds.. cancer survivors, and loved ones of women who survived.  We all had some sort of tattoo, or many, so the photo was a bit edgy, and still came together in one unified photo- a strong, somber feeling that made you think- why are they all so calm? serene? emotionless?
It was a photo, tastefully taken so that every 'bit' was covered by an arm, a hand, a well placed foot.. you get it.. it was to be auctioned off for Bikers for Tata's, a local ride and run for breast cancer awareness.

I want to go behind the scenes with you, and share a few of my photo shoot experiences, to maybe clarify... and hopefully open up the window for women to feel more relaxed with a photographer- and get yourself dolled up and GET in front of the camera! There is nothing like it.. and I would suggest everyone try it, at least once.  And I don't mean you have to get NAKED.. i mean- feel good photos- whatever that means to you.  Sexy, strong, try on some long hair... put on some fake eyelashes.. try those heels.. who gives a fuck. its ALL FAKE. all of it! make yourself up the way you want to be.. or just be yourself. there is no wrong answer.
Having your photo taken by a professional, in a relaxed and friendly space is like nothing else.
You get comfortable, you just be yourself.. and the photographer does their thing.


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