Here Piggy Piggy... Photoshoot used to encourage men to stop being pigs.

"I like the ones that show your tits better"
"Hey babe, i like your tats. do you send nudes?"
"hey cutie" *dick pic*
*dick pic* (i don't respond) "oops, sorry that was meant for someone else"

These are just a few choice messages out of hundreds I have received on social media, maybe in response to a promo photo for a friend's business that was showing some skin, or maybe an artistic nude on a bike with a burnt orange sunset in the back... most innocently, a positive body post to encourage women to be themselves in their own skin, stretch marks, muffin top - love yourself! But these images aren't always regarded as art, or advertisements, or self expression. The comments people can make from behind a computer screen are 'anonymous' and blunt.  The disembodied words just floating around in bubbles: "sweet baby Jesus, yes please" "damn girl you fine, gotta get you on no panty day" "YUM" public for anyone (including my parents) to see, - the ones I receive in my inbox are even more thoughtless and disgusting- making up excuses for their behavior on the public feed, but why didn't he apologize on the feed? Also, blaming ME for taking the joke wrong, or making something out of nothing.  That is what he'd like me to think, that they are just words.  He was 'kidding' so it just voids the content.  NOPE. Not today Satan.

I want to go into this a little, and as someone who had spent her entire life hanging out with guys, friends with guys, I've dated men  This is NOT a man hating slander blog- NOT EVERY MAN on the planet disregards his built in God given filter, and slurs out the first sexually charged piece of dribble his blood lacking brain can manage.. this is a statement from one woman, who has had enough. ENOUGH of this unwanted, disrespectful commenting and sexual discrimination. If this is the world women are meant to live in every day, I fear for your daughters.  I am sick and tired of people shrugging their shoulders and telling me 'that's just the way it is'.  WHY?  "well if you put yourself out there, you have to expect it." WHY?  NONE OF THIS IS OKAY, and yet every day we (women) tell ourselves that it's just the way it is... but it needs to stop.  WE NEED to stop it.
an actual link some guy sent me

 I am going to state a FACT : it is 100% of the time males who make and leave these comments.  The difference between these comments and ones from friends- people I know personally and closely that say: "Damn girl, you killed it! 😍😍"  This is a positive reaction to a photo that sometimes took HOURS of hard work to achieve, I know this person, and they know me, who I am, not just the look in the picture- sometimes they are amazed at a transformation in a photo- and I feel that they appreciate the final outcome, as the piece of art that it is.  The comments from a stranger, some mans face leering out of a circle the size of a dime "DAAAAmn girl, you fine! 😍💦" This comment makes me feel that the final outcome of the photo is lost, and I, somehow, took over, center stage, as an aversion of the reason the photo was even taken.  It's unfortunate that men feel they have to manifest their inner sexual thoughts into reality, in the most direct and blunt way possible.  Things that make them look foolish- comments that truly show off the inner beast that lives inside of them.  The image they portray of themselves is just as bad if not worse that the one they are trying to place on me, but no one sees them for what they are.. and if they do, they aren't saying anything.

This is why I shot "Here piggy Piggy"  I wanted to portray my inner feelings of disgust toward these men who continue to disrespect women.  And when I say women, I mean- me, maybe you, their wives, their daughters...  The thought is that I lure men down to my basement, which is pretty creepy, but they joyously follow the bait.  I get them thinking with their small head, of course, so they don't notice that I'm taking them to a damp dark basement smeared with blood and tarps laying everywhere..and then I, of course, murder them.. skinning them, and wearing their faces as a mask... of a pig.  It is another brainchild spawned directly from Murder Podcasts.. I swear. 

I've just had enough, and wanted to portray my innermost feelings on the subject, so everyone could see and understand how appalled I am that this behavior has become somehow, normal?  I never see a comment after one of these saying " hey man, knock it off- this photo isn't about her tits" No one says: listen 'guy'- stop it?  So this comment just makes it look like it's OKAY.  The suggestion by a total stranger about me is seen by hundreds of people, and it's just.. okay.  WHY?  Why am I'm allowed to be subjected to unwanted comments and advances, DAILY? Open ground for opinions that reflect my personal preference on men? women? Paint me to be a seductive and carnal object of YOUR fantasies? what the actual fuck?

And when you DO comment back, when you stand up for yourself and say- HEY MAN- NOT WANTED OR APPRECIATED, or tell them their comment is not cool, and you will block them... they just say "i was kidding, you don't have to be such a CUNT, or a BITCH, or a PRUDE, or my favorite: MAN HATER."  "whats with all the man hating?"  So when I stick up for myself, the automatic response is that it was a joke.  "I was kidding, lighten up."  I'd like to think jokes are funny.. and when you post: "WE WANT TO SEE IT ALL" This is not a joke.. nor is it funny.. despite how many laughing face emojis or LOL's you attach to it.  You claim its a joke, because you got called out on your delinquent use of the English language, soliciting an innocent girl you don't even know.  How funny does your wife think it is?  I haven't seen her weigh in on the thread yet... ?

The photo series really helped me let out the rage I was feeling toward this unhealthy phenomenon.  Being able to fake kill a pig, and wear its head as a trophy is WAY better than acting on my feelings to stab a man in the neck when he tells me to: SMILE. YOU'D LOOK PRETTIER.

The fact that men have some form of sex on the brain 24/7 is just that. a fact. Again, I've grown up with guys as friends.  For years I idly thumbed through playboys and heard porn on TV in the background around my dude friends.. listening to their next plan on how to get in some girls pants.. its just a guy thing, I get it.   In fact, I've used this weakness in men in personal matters.  Who hasn't used sex or flashed a nipple to get their way?!  It's completely irrelevant in the context of this blog thread- YOU CAN THINK WHATEVER YOU WANT TO.  That's the great thing about thoughts- they are private, a unseen by anyone unless YOU WANT TO MAKE THEM KNOWN.  You have the choice to speak them, write them down, fucking needlepoint them and hang it in your kitchen.... but my problem, is when these guys decide to make harsh statements about my character, body, or lifestyle that should be a private thought, public.  When these thoughts become words, they are one step closer to actions.  (this is indisputable, and I base this fact on the hours upon hours of true crime podcasts like My Favorite Murder, I listen to daily.)  AND STILL, we are told that this is OKAY.  Just a troll looking for trouble... BUT IT IS NOT OKAY.   On top of moving one step closer to Stalkerville, the words place images in any readers head, about the subject.  How nice is it, that on Facebook, you can post a photo of yourself wearing a jacket or sweater, that you are selling, and some jack-off wants to tell you, because of COURSE it's what I want to hear, in the most monosyllabic and flattering way possible: HOT! or SEXY! then there's my favorite: Stunning!

The disrespect that these words carry has more impact than the horny guy on the other end of the keyboard understands.  Not only do they place an image of me in any readers' head: but comments like: "Damn girl, you sexy!!!😍😍😍"  "YYOOWWW!! 🔥🔥🔥"  "I love when you dress up for me baby!" from total strangers, can cause issues in my personal or professional life, from people forming their own opinions on why its OKAY for them to post these comments.  IT IS NOT OKAY.  I normally immediately BLOCK anyone who starts out with this behavior.  I am usually on the defense.. WHY? Because we've been taught in todays' social world, as a women- we have to be.  But when I am at work, and can't block them, or when I've reached my daily block limit (yes facebook LIMITS the amount of people you can block in a 24 hour period) the comment is left out there, floating away making it look as if it's OKAY for him to do it, and for OTHERS to follow.. for other women to have to put up with it.. I have to do something.
I can't speak for anyone else, any woman who has had to deal with this, but from my personal experience, these words make me feel dirty. wrong. like I accidentally let someone see me from a perspective that ISN'T me (like any of us have any control over this anyway).  Perspective is HUGE, one persons view of the world is completely different than his neighbor.  But when did common decency and respect become so translucent?  You can just ignore the boundaries of real life because it's on a screen?  You didn't say it OUT LOUD, so it doesn't count??
The photos of me are staged. its a smoke show- full of fake hair, and makeup.. posed to get the feel, the look the artist or photographer is going for. To sell that skirt. "be sexy" "look sad" "stick your chest out" It's not me.  That girl in the picture might look like she wants "ALL NINE INCHES OF YOUR HARD COCK" but trust me... SHE DOESN'T.

What I know from experience, in my entire life Feminism has been grossly misunderstood.  Even more exaggerated, by living in a small minded farming community in the Midwest.   Recently, in the light of accusations on men; who not only couldn't keep their words to themselves, but their hands, and other bits as well- Feminism has been cast in a harsh light.  Defined by Websters: 
feminism is: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.
 Did you note how it doesn't say anything about having to be a woman to participate in these ideals?
I understand this is a very generic and broad view of the term, and it breaks down into radical groups, and extremes.. but the simplicity of the idea to treat women as equals in every aspect of life isn't that hard to understand... is it?  Women can be treated equally, and I don't need the rebuttal about how we aren't as strong or as commanding, or any of the mansplaining that makes my blood boil- none of that has anything to do with being treated as a HUMAN.  What human wants to be treated like a piece of meat?  Looked upon as a photo on a screen, and has ZERO human semblance. All I've ever wanted in my entire life is to be seen as a flesh and blood same skeleton human being.  EQUAL.  And this day in age, it literally boils down to the misuse of the written word, left unanswered in cyberspace.

 From my personal experience, I've formed the opinion that this lack of respect for another human being is intolerable.  This goes beyond cat calling, and car horn honking when you cross the street.. it borders with sensitive narratives like victim shaming and not having accountability.  The irreverence to the female form in art, treating it as if it were meant to be ogled at by you,  and you only.  The complete discourtesy for anyone else who reads your words- CLEARLY listed on the profile of the befouled : Fiance. Husband. Wife. Mother. Father. Sister. Brother.  You should be ashamed of yourself.  And I hope you know, the next time you're listening to the sound of your sticky fingers typing away on a cum crusted keyboard, in the dimly lit basement 'office' of the house you share with your wife and daughters, drool pooling in the corners of your mouth as you type the word "SEXY" across the screen.. I'm posting it.  I'm going to shame you, the way you shame me.  Make it public.  Show the world your dick pics.  Why hide it behind a screen?  I have your names, and believe it or not.. your profile lists family members too.  Has your wife seen these? She doesn't have facebook? that's okay, I own a printer, and I have your address... Maybe it's time YOUR life gets disrupted by YOUR OWN WORDS.  Because, after all.. you could've just kept it to yourself.


Heather Ann said…
That’s amazing Amy! Great job!
Unknown said…
Well kiddo, I’m sorry you have to deal with shit like this. You are a fabulous lady on the inside and that woman I have always respected and still consider a true blue friend. Good luck ridding your life of ASS HATS, they are everywhere anymore. There is very little respect left in this world. Love ya
Unknown said…
Awesome piece! Some people just can’t get their head out of their asses!

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