Here Piggy Piggy... Photoshoot used to encourage men to stop being pigs.

"I like the ones that show your tits better" "Hey babe, i like your tats. do you send nudes?" "hey cutie" *dick pic* *dick pic* (i don't respond) "oops, sorry that was meant for someone else" These are just a few choice messages out of hundreds I have received on social media, maybe in response to a promo photo for a friend's business that was showing some skin, or maybe an artistic nude on a bike with a burnt orange sunset in the back... most innocently, a positive body post to encourage women to be themselves in their own skin, stretch marks, muffin top - love yourself! But these images aren't always regarded as art, or advertisements, or self expression. The comments people can make from behind a computer screen are 'anonymous' and blunt. The disembodied words just floating around in bubbles: "sweet baby Jesus, yes please" "damn girl you fine, gotta get you on no panty day" "YUM" pub...