Biker babes. Babes Ride Out 4 With my wind sisters

I am a tom boy.  I was raised by hippies and an older brother who taught me how to shoot spit balls, wrench on shit and take shit apart.  I've always loved having guy friends, its a simple kind of friendship where you can make fun of each other and no ones feelings get hurt.  The kind of friends that would protect me like brothers, and listen to my girl advice with wrinkled brows- its so fun when guys try to understand a girls complex thought pattern.   I've always had guy friends.  My whole life, we skateboard together, go fishing, build shit, take shit apart.. the whole ensemble of guy related activities..  Occasionally, I run into a gal or two who have the same mind set as I do, and just want to be one of the 'guys'.  Its always been hard for me to be a girly type, aside from the love of shoes and makeup... I rarely find myself on common ground with the female persuasion.  I'm outspoken, brutally honest with no filter, but always mean well, and never get party drunk (loud screamy "OMG BECKY" drunk).  I get drunk... Just not that kind of drunk. I love gossip, and hate it equally- so I never share it.  I'm into matching my clothes to my bike, and have a coordinated helmet for each of my two wheeled beasts.. I'm a simple girl who gets ready in thirty minutes (because lets face it, it's all going to turn to shit 10 minutes into the ride under that helmet anyway- WHY spend any more time) and enjoys the least amount of Drama possible.  I just want to chill and do normal stuff.  I love taking advice and giving advice- and bonding over a common misunderstanding and love or hate of the opposite sex- it's truly a one of a kind experience.  You don't feel completely UNDERSTOOD until you talk to your girlfriend about Life Stuff.  Only a female can relate to life as a woman. Period. (get it.. *snickers*) But seriously...

    Very few women I consider friends live somewhere close enough to make an attempt to 'hang out' when we aren't working full time, spending time with our other halves, planning around non mutual friend parties, and so on.
Every so often, one of these gals, ALSO enjoys riding motorcycles. When this happens, it's like any common friend bonding interest- Baking, Sewing, Painting, Boxing... you get my drift? It's a shared Hobby.. have a best bud you met in yoga class? Kind of the same, only... where do you go to accidentally run into bad ass biker babes?  Farmers have, christians: mingle, where's ?
   I am blessed to know the women in my life that ride, by coincidence, by meeting them at work, or at a local bar.  Living in the same community, and attending the same functions. Being introduced by other females, or family members- these women have become a part of my life and my riding story.
I have bonded with the women riders in my life over campfires, and beers- hugs and tears, and such good life advice, riding advice, and tips and tricks.  The bond is special and I'd dare anyone to break it or come before it.
  Maybe you're thinking: It's not so easy- I don't know anyone who knows anyone.. I see women on Facebook who ride, but I don't KNOW them.. Thanks to technology, the age of Instagram and Facebook, Twitter and SnapChat... there are ways to make random strangers your new friends.  Technology has changed the way the world works, and how people meet.

About 3 years ago, I started following @Harleybabeforlife.  She was a spunky looking woman who also sold Harley-Davidson's in Florida. I was excited to see another female sales woman, and liked that we had something in common and could relate!  The year she sold all of her stuff, bought a street glide, and rode across the country- it clicked in me.  I can do this.
  I continued selling Harley-Davidson motorcycles, and still do today as my living.  It has awarded me benefits and relationships I could find nowhere else on earth, and for that I am eternally grateful for the brand.  Another fringe benefit of working for a business rooted in motorcycles and tradition, is getting time off to ACTUALLY ENJOY MY BIKES.  Last year, my trip was to Joshua Tree California, to see what Babes Ride Out was all about.  Jules (Harley babe turned @wild_warrior_woman) was trying to get girls to join her on her cross country trip to southern California, that included stops to pick up the ladies she had ridden with the year before.  Louisiana, Texas, Arizona...
And just like a Bugs Bunny Cartoon- I would cross her path Somewhere East of Albuquerque.
As the weeks drew near and it was almost time to seriously plan this trip, I got to meet the Babes: @jensunshine414, @hellbentxl48, @friendswithdevils, and @2kms2 .  Like I said, the internet changes everything.  Now I know these fucking rad ass babes who are going to ride their bikes across the country too!? Yeah, Im in.
I bought my ticket, and confirmed with Jules- Hey babe, Im meeting you guys in Albuquerque. She shot back when and where, and it was a sealed deal.
Now if anyone who is reading this enjoys my articles published in Biker Spot Magazine, you know my story.  The public view, the "this is where I went and what I did" story... you can find it here: Dec 2016-Current issues
if you missed it, it's a pretty good read.

However, my not so public story- the story that the general public might not understand, the story that really tells what happened and who I met on my journey.. This is it:
As I was heading to California, I was for the most part, alone... random other bikers here and there on the road, I made great time, and saw some very cool tourist attractions.  I love travelling alone, I really do- where most people say "How could you travel all that way all by yourself?" Well- I ask why anyone would want to travel on someone else's speed, bladder schedule, eating schedule, sleeping schedule.. etc etc.. I am just a wanderer.. I travel at my own speed, and that's the way I've always been. Some fear for my safety, but we all know I'm a pistol packin' mama.. so no worries there.  I could see no real good reason to travel with anyone else.. but my life resolution is to stop being such a frigid bitch and make some new friends.. so- I met these babes.  Who knew I would actually fall in love with all of them.

  The first day we met, the energy was explosive!  Shots and videos, selfies, and LETS GO !!! Make it to Arizona by sun fall!!  And when our girl Heather, after 700 miles that day, couldn't go on any longer on her 1200XL- she pulled over for the night, and again.. I go back to my 'other persons time -sleep -piss schedule' comment- she was exhausted.  And on her account, we all stopped and stayed the night, 120 miles from a warm welcomed house party with booze, drugs, cute biker dudes, and all of these promised goodies, we were all looking forward to after a week on the road!  We, instead.. got a hotel room at a casino.  Now I know what you're thinking at this point.. OH MAN YOU MUST HATE THAT GRRL!!!

No.. to the contrary.. the blessing in disguise, is now- all of us are stuck together without a party, with no one else to hang with, but each other.  And we had a blast.  We went down and found food, took showers, got to talk, meet each other, really find out why all of us were on this trip, and what it meant to us.  The bond you get while riding with others is a different, and deeper bond than most friendships I've had for years.  You have to learn about them, their limits, their fears, their strengths, and weaknesses.. in order to ride together as a unit.. and by day two- Holy shit we looked like we'd been riding together for years.  Our formations were tight, our communication was on point, and we never separated, lost a rider, or had any drama... 6 babes on bikes together for 2 days and  700 miles and.. NO DRAMA.  Miracles are achieved every day ladies and gentleman... Every Day.
I almost had to arm wrestle Jenn for the sweep position, and I feel bad I took it the whole time, but without a rear view mirror, it was the best place for me.. and I could see how we all looked, rolling down the hills, passing as one unit, talking over our Scala Rider headsets, making jokes, having stellar moments under the Desert sky, and just seriously loving life.  At this point, I thought.. this is great- these ladies are amazing, and I should've done this years ago!! That was before we spent 3 nights in the desert together.

After setting up camp, settling in and surveying the grounds, I learned Kat is a very good clepto, and Lils is an angry bitch drunk. I have the post card to prove it.  Jules knows so many people she was a social butterfly all night, and Heather was off alone somewhere, maybe sleeping? We honestly never knew!  All of the best and worst of everyone is revealed when you have nothing normal to compare it to.  Now I say these qualities and you might think they are in the worst side... no no.. no.  Kat scored some cool ass shit for everyone, Lils postcard reminded me of her hard candy shell, I eventually melted that weekend, when I received it weeks after the event was over, and Heather's lone wolf strategy earned her a trending hashtag #wheresheather.  We all exposed ourselves to each other, and we all saw each other for who she was.  The bonds grew stronger.  The ride to Big Bear lake, we took on some companions, and it made us love each other even more!  Every single thing that went 'wrong' was an opportunity to see the real side of everyone.  True tests, bring out the real.  Every time.

The event itself brought us to a dance party, a photo booth, drinks, meeting new babes, seeing familiar faces from Instagram, and we even went on stage to tell everybody we rode over 2000 miles to get there.. it was pretty rad! I can say without a doubt... this trip changed my life forever.  I am not the same person who left on the 5000 mile journey.  After I took 101 up the coast, stopped in San Fransisco for a warm bed and hot shower- all I could do as I rolled across the I80 plains was reflect on the weekend, and how awesome it was to meet these amazing women.  I returned like some butterfly out of her cocoon scenario type shit.  And with 5 friends, that I truly hope I can call friends for years to come.
We all went our separate ways that Sunday, but stay in touch over Instagram, and texts.. Talking about life, love, fuck boys, our next trip... Like real for real girlfriends.  Imagine that.  I have biker babe girlfriends... <3


Unknown said…
Amazing Journey...and I love big bear btw.... I know your talented at your job but your articles are incredible. You are seriously talented in so many ways. Thanks for sharing.
Ryan D,
Mike said…
Wow nice enjoyed
Amy Sue Sporty said…
Thanks brother- 😊 I'm flattered!

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