More closed minded internet bullshit I can complain about.

So today I ran across an article entitled: "Why do hot girls brand themselves with neck tattoos?" An article about how it is impossible for him to find a hot girlfriend that doesn't have a tattoo on her neck... apparently. Hhmmmmm... 3 things stand out IMMEDIATELY in the title. 1; "hot girls" The author must be extremely educated to refer to women as 'girls' and HOT is just an enduring term we all love hearing.. educated as far as a college kid who's spending his daddies and mommies money to get his business degree because he will be a successful and rich 'business' man who wears 80,000$ suits and wipes his feet on hundos- he can't stand for his large breasted 'hot' wife to look 'trashy'- obviously. He needs the trophy to reflect how well HE'S doing. 2; He calls it a brand. This tells me he's VERY materialistic, possessive, and vain. Referring to a body that isn't even his, with disgust, having passed ...