Building up the Female Biker Community

Last night I was browsing on Insta- like I frequently do.. and I came across a post on the Harley Davidson insta feed that has the #HwyRunaways pictured- This is a group of female riders that in short- get to ride around, take photos and rave about how much riding has engaged their lives- from getting to meet others like them, to going to biker family events, to seeing the country on two wheels- you may have seen their article in HOG magazine... anyway- its a rad photo of them hangin with a bike in some sand- all in bikinis or crop tops, one girl in a Harley eagle bodysuit and over the knee boots. I would die to catch some wind with these rad women. Here they are #HwyRunaways In my opinion they look HOT AF, and on a day that steamy, why wouldn't you strip down out of your gear to cool off and chill out? PERSONALLY I could rock a crop top and shorts- no problem, Id be a bit hesitant of the body suit, but I also don't have that womens smoking legs! Enter the hate...