Carbs - the good, the bad the ugly (not a food blog)

Every Year- it gets harder for me to accept Winter. It takes away my fun- it takes away my riding, it takes away my sun and my moto fams.. It is just a deep dark hole of a cold pit with snow and wind howling around your ears. YUCK. The snow isn't really the WORST part- its the bone chilling below zero winds that make me want to curl up in bed with my flannel jammie bottoms and drink hot chocolate while watching Netfix marathon after marathon.... I have contemplated moving many times- away from the Midwest- somewhere southern, somewhere that 30* is a joke and happens very seldom. I've been to the south east on a few occasions.. I liked it. I could see myself riding those Tennessee mountain roads well into 'winter' and starting up again as early as March- the lazy attitude and just pulling over to take a nap on the side of the road- I mean.. I COULD DO THAT. Carry a hammock at all times JUST INCASE a cool chill spot pops up to camp in.. it's a dream. Bu...