InCahoots Moto Community Presents; The SouthWest Quest ; girl bikes, motorcycle trips, moto camping and more!

"the best stories start with strangers ending up in an unfamiliar place.. for it doesn't start as an adventure, it begins with a risk" ( Kate O'Connor Morris - 21 days under the sky) Adventures, trips, quests, rides, motorcycle journeys... call them what you will, but they do something to your soul. They restart your inner smile. The sheer determination and strength you can conjure in a long bike trip reconfirms your strength and confidence in every single day. When I have taken the three specific long, solo, motorcycle trips: 2800-5800 miles, I have never been happier- Even with drama, and breakdowns, heat, cold, exhaustion... The miles I have had the privilege to share with strong, powerful, beautiful women have been even more enlightening, freeing, and completely a blast. The bond you can share with certain people is amazing, and finding your tribe is absolutely empowering! On my personal bikes alone,...