Xennials and Feminism in the Modern Motorcycle Community ; a personal story

Hello, my name is Amy Sue and I'm a modern feminist. WAIT.. don't roll your eyes and hit the back button... let me explain... I've grown up in unique and privileged generation... I'm not quiet a daydreaming Millennial... but I'm also not a jaded Gen Xer... I fall in this fun little niche called Xennials. "The Oregon Trail Generation" If you get that reference , you probably ARE a Xennial, born between 1977-1985, a mere 25.1 million of us exist in the US. Good magazine describes Xennials as "a micro-generation that serves as a bridge between the disaffection of Gen X and the blithe optimism of Millennials". This gives our generation a cynical caution mixed with an energetic buoyancy.. but we don't fall for either ruse. We tend to make our own calculations, own decisions, and own way, not caring about what society thinks about us, since we were essentially forgotten anyway!! In my opinion, this was a great time to be raised in A...