
Showing posts from April, 2018

Chronicals of lost time in Chopper land: Working on the '76 Ironhead

Breeze  Every now and then.. life gets so busy, and it seems you get lost in the tidal wave of appointments, events, mishaps, and circumstances.  If you take a step back and just enjoy the ride, eventually the dust settles and you can reflect on what you accomplished without sacrificing your self, or your beliefs, or your sanity- so it's super hectic, but in a really good way.  The way that you meet new and awesome people, get to spend time with ones you love or fall into love, you accomplish a goal or reach a target.. things are finished and time has passed.. and now come the stories... Last summer, after my trip to Montana, I attended the Clam Jam, a local Indy chopper party with rad people and good times... (I wrote a blog way back my first year attending, if you want to check it out ) While I was there a dude wrecked his Frankenstein of a bike, later known to me as The flyingt1t , on the dirt track he was ripping around.  The alternator blade o...