Why I Ride, an introspective about life, loss and living.

There are five main personality traits, they say, in this world. And you can swing to either extreme end of any or all of these to make up your personality: extroversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. In a life t ime, you will meet and notice how some of these traits are dominant in some people, and they may let one or another trait really represent their overall personality. In the years I've spent on this planet, I have worked in sales and with people for over 18 of them. I have dealt with more people in my life than most would ever imagine. Hundreds a day- thousands a week- being in Sales, you kind of become a psudo-psychiatric expert. People talk, they tell you their thoughts, desires, needs, and you learn what signs certain pe rsonalities throw off. You begin to be able to read people so well, that you can call their next moves, and guide them to buy what you are selling. Wh...