Adventures of Breeze 1976 Ironhead XLCH

The rear fender has a huge scrape down to the metal, dent and horrible repaint job, to save from rust. Like it matters. It's been running for exactly 3 days. I wasn't extremely happy with the way the re-pop fender painted up anyway, so when I took the newly named, 1976 Ironhead Sportster , The Breeze, on her shakedown ride, and the sissy bar, seated in the brackets I had picked up at a swap meet last fall- for a great price AND a great conversation, popped out and I heard a dreaded SSSCCCRRRRRRRRRAAATTCCCHHHHHHHH CHING CHING..... Finally hit dirt I was mostly upset about the sissy bar itself. It was a heartfelt gift from a very caring and thoughtful boss. A gift that had sat on a shelf for 30 + years with layers of dust, and was perfect. Flawless and pristine... And I just drug it 5 feet down a shit paved gravel road. Gosh, fricking, darn it!!! (I'm working on my cursing) This wasn't the first thing. This was a careless mistake,...