When you go to an event at a farm named Boogie- you better expect some clam jammin.

The camping scene was legendary in itself Let me start off this blog by giving you a little background about myself and my life as far as motorcycle culture goes. I grew up in a two wheeled family. My father, my uncle, their friends and families became my family. Growing up in the 80's motorcycle scene gives you a certain expectation of life as a biker. I was that little dirty barefoot kid running around the rally making people ask- Where is her mother?! Watching burnout contests, slow races, spoon and egg races, packing as many riders on one chopper and making it to the finish line. Everyone jumping in to help pick up your bike when you dumped it, was there to throw beer all over you when you won- this love of life was SO MUCH FUN- how could anyone do the biker scene any differently? Brotherhood, laughs, beers and stories until the sun came up. Now, I know that having expectations is just an open door to being disappointed.. so I shou...